
In progress

Selected Work

The Totality of the Thinkable, dissertation (completed 2023)

Five chapters on the theological and epistemological views of Immanuel Kant and related themes within contemporary epistemology. Each of the five chapters addresses a discrete problem related to the idea of the totality of the thinkable, or the idea of a totality of possible concepts. Taken together, these chapters constitute a unified argument that variants of both historical and contemporary 'rationalism' have tacitly appealed to an idea of the totality of the thinkable in a way that raises philosophical problems. 

The first four chapters of the dissertation explore the way the idea of totality of the thinkable is implicated in Kant’s criticisms of his German rationalist predecessors. These chapters argue that, according to Kant, this idea forms part of a distinctive kind of self-deception through which the mind mis-represents its relationship to reality. Connections to Kant's moral philosophy and Kant's views on Spinoza are also explored. The fifth chapter adapts a version of Kant’s criticisms to apply to appeals to ideal reasoners within contemporary epistemology. 

“Kant’s Critical Theory of the Best Possible World”, Kantian Review (2020)

Argues that in the Critical Period, Kant continues to endorse the view that God creates the best possible world; presents an interpretation of what Kant thinks it is for a world to be best-possible according to which best possible worlds are infinite in value.